Mountaineer Computer Systems, Inc
Mountaineer Computer Systems, Inc
A Division of Prime Mountain, Inc.
A Division of Prime Mountain, Inc.
Work Orders
Work Orders

The Work Orders module makes it possible to manage different types of repair and maintenance requests related to buildings, infrastructure, vehicles, computers, and general equipment.
Specific personnel can be assigned to each work order, and if a group of employees is necessary one person is designated as the crew leader.
All documentation is stored securely for access by authorized users. Once a work order has been created, users can enter details and update its status to “Design,” “Open,” “Assigned,” “In Progress,” “Completed,” and “Cancelled.”
Real-time reports can be printed at any time or scheduled for automatic printing. While custom reports are easy to make, the default templates—Work Order Activity, Work Order Activity with Meters, and Work Order Status—cover most reporting needs.
Gain centralized control over maintenance, repair and other work requests with AccuFund’s Work Orders module, which you can link conveniently to service locations, existing tax and billing records, and fixed assets such as vehicles or machinery.