Mountaineer Computer Systems, Inc
Mountaineer Computer Systems, Inc
A Division of Prime Mountain, Inc.
A Division of Prime Mountain, Inc.

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Our Blog
An ongoing series of informational entries
An ongoing series of informational entries
April 22, 2019
Hey everyone!
This year, Accufund will be hosting their 2nd National User Conference! This conference will not only be an opportunity to learn about the most recent changes to AccuFund, but also an opportunity to unite all AccuFund users, staff, and resellers, in one environment.
There will be two full days of Report Writing Bootcamp sessions that users can sign up for. These will be on October 19-20, 2019. This conference will offer immense opportunity to network with other Municipalities and Non-Profits. Not to mention, the beautiful scenery of Colorado!
If you are interested in signing up for any of the sessions this year, please feel free to reach out to us at mcs@mcswv.com, or call one of our staff members. We will be publishing more information in the coming weeks.